Friday, February 10, 2017

The Health Insurance Exchange a.k.a. Obamacare a.k.a. waste of money

One of the biggest topics as of lately is health care, more specifically the Health Insurance Exchange a.k.a. Obamacare. I work for a pretty big medical group here in central Texas and hear about health insurance nonstop from 8 to 5, Monday through Friday. I’m blessed to have wonderful insurance provided through Tricare, as my husband is serving active duty in the Air Force. My dad on the other hand, pays a monthly premium roughly around $650 a month for basically an annual well check and a few labs here and there. The medical group I am employed by, only accepts maybe two or three of the plans offered through Obamacare. It really upsets me that hard working people like my dad pay such high premiums for plans that aren’t accepted at most clinics. This article pretty much sums up what I hear on the daily by patients who may have had a different plan in 2016 but because their plan changed, we no longer accept it. I’m glad Obamacare has helped out a few people here and there, no one I personally know, but I do think it needs to be repealed.


  1. While, I have to agree there is a limited availability of providers for those covered under Obamacare, what is covered is more than what was previously a choice. I to had the luxury of Tricare insurance. Looking at my own personal healthcare expenses to those paid out through various insurance seemed outrageous and just unfair. Working in Revenue Integrity, for a non profit Hospital that recently merged with a for profit organization was a huge transition within itself. Overall, we have to look at who and what is going to pay and the criteria that must be meet in order to allow reimbursement etc.. The problem is many companies/providers are not willing to put the necessary leg work in to guarantee reimbursement for services. On a side note I do personally know of several individuals who would otherwise not have coverage do to employment status, health conditions, and a few full time students. One case I saw first -hand was the symptoms of Hep C In a patient long term. Under Obama Care the medication to do more than just treat but cure was covered. This medication is taken daily at whooping $1k per pill. Treating more than symptoms and preventing further issues is why Obama Care exists. Looking at the bigger picture and the future ahead in healthcare. The luxury of healthcare many of us take for granted do to our own circumstances shouldn't be eliminated completely but re-evaluated.

  2. In reading, "The Health Insurance Exchange a.k.a Obamacare a.k.a waste of money," I noticed that the writer wrote only on her experience with current transformations in the Health Care industry, however, she provided no facts, did not cite any sources, and her experience sounds shallow. Although I do believe her story of her father paying a high monthly premium since I have heard similar stories on the side-effects of Obamacare, she still does not provide a strong argument for me to side with her. I know Obamacare is not perfect and there are people who have had bad experiences with health insurance because of it but I do believe it is an improvement from where we were before its inception. Since Obamacare began more than 20 million people have gain coverage and the country's uninsured rate dropped to an 8.6% from a 16%. More people have health insurance than ever before. Overall, I believe that Obamacare has done more good for the country and instead of repealing it the politicians in Washington D.C should try to improve it as the law progresses. We have to remember that a massive change like Obamacare will have to be tweaked because nobody can anticipate all the expected results, so to me repealing it would be a step backward.
